(a loanword from Spanish)
a country in Central America (a loanword from Spanish)
Don Andres, motelchiuh ic matlactli omome tlatocat in tenochtitlan exiujtl iepan espaňoles noujian iauqujçato in cuextlan, huduras, auh in iehoatl nonum de guzman, qujuicac in vej culhoacan vmpa mjqujto. = Don Andrés Motelchiuh was twelfth, and he ruled Tenochtitlan three years in the time of the Spaniards, who went forth everywhere to conquests -- to Cuextlan, to Honduras. And Nuño de Guzmán took him [in conquest] to Colhuacan, where he met his death. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)