a philosopher (see attestations)
(a loanword from Spanish)
ca amo no huel yxcoyantzinco. yneyxcahuiltlamachiliztzin. ynic tonahuatlahtolpan oquimocuepilitia. oquimotlallilitia ca ҫano ytech quimoquixtili. ytech quimanilli yn intlahtol. yn ilhuicatlamatinime. in Philosophosme yn Astrologosme. yn oquihtotiaque. yn quenin mochiuhtiuh = not entirely on his own and by his exclusive knowledge that he translated it and composed it in our Nahuatl language, for he also took it from the statements of those who know the heavens, the philosophers and astrologers who had said how it happens (central Mexico, 1611)