a place name; e.g. San Pablo Tlachcuititlan, in or near Mexico City
(central Mexico, 1613)
yn oquizque ynic yancuican otlayahualloque yca ynetoquillitzin tto. dios. yn Sancta cruz contzinco tlaca. ҫan yehuatl Dean licencia yhuelitzin quinmomaquilli ypampa pleyto quintlalili quimixnamiquia in hernando de San Martin teuhcxochitzin chane S. Pablo tlachcuititlan amo quinequia ynic noncua tlayahuallozque. ҫan quinequia ynic oncan mocenchihuaz yntzontecompa S. Pablo. ynic moteylhui yxpan prouisor doctor Don Juan de Salamanca [...] auh macihui yn pleyto oquĩtlallilica contzinca yn omoteneuh hernando teuhcxochitzin. yn ҫatepan ca ohuellitiloq̃. ynic huel noncua tlayahuallozque mochipa = the people of Santa Cruz Contzinco came out and went in procession for the first time with the burial of our lord God. Only the dean [of the cathedral chapter] had given them his permission, for which reason Hernando de San Martín Teucxochitzin, citizen of San Pablo Tlachcuititlan, brought suit against them, opposing them. He didn't want them to go in procession separately, but wanted them to join together with their cabecera, San Pablo, so he brought suit before the vicar general doctor don Juan de Salamanca so that they would not come out separately [...] But although the said Hernando Teucxochitzin had brought the suit against the Contzinca, afterward they were given perpetual permission to go in procession all by themselves (central Mexico, 1613)