black people, black men (see also tliltic, singular)
tlacpac omoteneuhque tliltique, auh ynin omoteneuhque españa huicoque oncan tetlan yhcuac huicoc yn Anton de loya tliltic çãno ymalguacil catca yn tliltique libres tn tlacallaquia = these said blacks were taken to Spain. At that time Antón de Loya, a black, was also taken with the rest; he had been the constable of the free blacks who pay tribute. (central Mexico, 1612)
auh çan yehuantin ynin omoteneuhque yetlamantin teopixque, yn quil quincuallittaya tliltique ynic quincahuazquia ynic amo quinmictizquia yece macihui yn quincahuazquia yniqu intlan tliltique monemiltizquia yece quil mochintin quinmatequixtilizquia quinmatecuilizquia ynic amo campa huel oc ceme tlapilhuatizquia yntech señorati. = It was only these three said groups of religious that the blacks reportedly approved of and were going to spare and not kill; but although they were going to spare them so that they would live among the blacks, nevertheless reportedly they were going to remove and take off the testicles of all of them so that one of them somewhere couldn't have children by the Spanish women, (central Mexico, 1612)
quimixtlamachtizquia yn inpilhuan tliltique yn ica mochi tlamachiliztli yn ixquich quimomachiltia. ynic no oc cequintin quil teopixcatizquia missa quichihuazquia yn cacatzac cocone yhuan ynic cequintin quil oydoresme mochihuazquia = instruct the children of the blacks in all knowledge, everything that they know, so that black children too, reportedly, would be religious and perform mass, and so that some reportedly would become judges of the Audiencia. (central Mexico, 1612)
piloloque cenpohuallonchicuey tlacatl yn tliltique oquichti auh in tliltique cihua chicome tlacatl yn ihuã piloloque in ye mochi yc mocenpohua cenpohualloncavtolli tlacatl in piloloque o ynpan neltico ynic otlatzontequilliloque ynpan yah yn Sentencia yn ipampa yniqu intech tlan ye omoteneuh tlacpac quil macocuizquia quinmictizquia yn intecuiyohuan españoles. = 28 black men were hanged, and 7 black women were hanged with them; it added up to 35 people who were hanged. Verification was made about them so that they were sentenced and a judgement was issued against them because they were accused, as was mentioned above, of reportedly intending to rebel and kill their Spanish masters. (central Mexico, 1612)
cenca momauhtique auh in señorati mochintin mochoquiliaya in ye quincahuazque ynnamichuan ypampa yuh mihtohuaya çan yehuantin yn oquichti españoles mictilozque auh in señorati çan cahualozque quinmocihuahuatizque yn tliltique. = the Spaniards reached the height of fear; they blocked themselves off in their homes from their great fear. All the Spanish women were weeping, [thinking] that their spouses would leave them, because it was said that only the Spanish men would be killed; the Spanish women would be left and the blacks would take them as wives. (central Mexico, 1612)
yhuan yn ipan huehuey acallotlih nohuiyan ye yaotlapiallo tlachiallo in campa ye quiçaquihui tliltique yn quinmictiquihui españoles. ypampa yuh mihtohuaya vmpa huallazque in ilhuicaatenco in huey atenco acapolco omotlallique cimalonti tliltique yhuan cequintin belacruz huallazque in tliltique cimalõti omocuepque in nican mexico. chollohua yn oquincauhtehuaque yntecuiyohuan = And everywhere on the great canals they stood guard and looked out for where the blacks would come from who were coming to kill the Spaniards, because it was said that the black renegades who had established themselves at Acapulco would come from the seashore, and that some blacks who had turned renegade and run away from Mexico here, leaving their masters behind, would come here from Veracruz. (central Mexico, 1612)
tliltique yhuan mulatoti ynpan yn españolesme ynic mochi tlacatl quihtoca ypan yn Juebes Sancto. quichihuazque yn intemictiliz. tliltique = the blacks and mulattoes were about to rise and declare war on the Spaniards, so that everyone said that on Maundy Thursday the blacks would do their killing. (central Mexico, 1612)
1612. años. yhcuac opeuh in ye quimana tliltique ... quincallaquito yn oncan motenehua calaboços. ypampa yntech tlan quil mach yaoyotl quihtohuaya macocuizquia yn ipan Juebes Sancto. quinmictizquia yn intecuiyohuan españoles. = the year 1612, was when they began to arrest blacks ...They put them in what are called cells because they were accused, according to what they say, that they were declaring war, that they were going to rebel on Maundy Thursday and kill their Spanish masters. (central Mexico, 1612)
Sanno yquac quinmiminque tlilttique senttepec maCuilttin = At this same time they shot five blacks at Centepec.
tliltique teucacatzacti mitoque = The blacks were called soiled gods. (sixteenth-century central Mexico)
mestiços chichimeca tliltique cequi castilteca = mestizos, Chichimecas, blacks, and some Spaniards (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
auh no oncã quiniuhti tlayacac quinmanque quiyacatihtiaque ynic tlayahualoloc in timacehualti yn mixteca tlacanechicolti yn oynnemactic yn oconanque yncapilla catca tliltique = And also for the first time they put us commoners who were Mixtecs, gathered from various places, in the lead, at the front of the procession. They have been granted and took what used to be the chapel of the blacks (central Mexico, 1613)
amo quemanian aca cas tiltecatl tes tlalquiliquiu nose yn tliltique teopisque cahuey etetlalquilia cahuey omo xictique ic oqui mo yaochihuilique yn teopiscatlatoani yc omo uicac castila iquac opeuque tetlalquilia = no sea que alguna vez, algún español nos venga a quitar las tierras ó también los negros ó los religiosos que eran grandes quitando las tierras a la gente, eran grandes faltando al respeto, por esto le hicieron la guerra al Obispo, por esto él, se fué a España cuando empezaron á quitar, éllos, las tierras a la gente (Estado de Hidalgo, ca. 1722?)
ahocmo onacohuan ynic netoco hueycan teopan ça Quaquauhxiuhtla netococ huel tlatla y tlacactl xolalpan yhuan tzauhcan santsantopan yhuan tliltique çaça mochi tlacatl. Huey cocoliztl quiçaco mochi tlacatl miqui. = no hubo lugar para enterrar a la gente en el templo grande, sólo se enterraron en Quaquauhxiuhtla. Se acabaron del todo las personas de los sólares, los obrajes y en las ermitas Y de los negros todas las personas [murieron]. Llegó una gran peste. Murieron todas las personas. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
quipiloque tliltiqueme ytlilticahuan Luis Garçia Apitzaco ypapa quimictiquie caxtiltecatl mayordomo = colgaron a tres negros; eran negros de Luis García, de Apizaco; a causa de que mataron a un mayordomo castellano. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
iquac oquichiuque yaohuiotl in Tliltique = En el mismo año se sublevaron los Negros (Puebla, 1797)
niman íziuhca omotlaztihuetzque pregones inic nochi quexquich Vande ras omozóquê. Auh moztlayoc ipan tonali viernes ic mátlac tlanahui mayo oquiàcocquê yancuica Vandera in tlaneneltin, quinilhuihuia mulatos, oquizqui in Capitan ce tlaneneli itoca Felipe Monson, chilero. Ipan tonali sabado ic caxtoli mayo in oquiàcocque no yuhqui in Tliltiquê [i]nin Vandera, oquizqui in Capitan itoca Lorenzo de Tapia: zan no yancuica oqui àcocquê = inmediatamente, con prontitud, se promulgaron bandos para que se levantasen todas cuantas banderas se pudiera. Al día siguiente, viernes, a los catorce de mayo, levantaron nuevamente banderas los mulatos, nombraron por su Capitán a un mulato llamado Felipe Monson, Chilero. El día sábado, a los quince de mayo, levantaron igualmente su bandera los Negros, nombraron su Capitán a uno llamado Lorenzo de Tapia: nueva exaltación que hicieron los negros (Puebla, 1797)