(a loanword from Spanish)
a choirmaster
(a loanword from Spanish)
central Mexico, 1613)
auh ytloctzinco mantiaque yn Doctor Saucedo arcediano yhuan Doctor Don Juan de Salamanca chantre capa quitlalitiaque (...) Maestro Don fray Diego de contreras (...) teopixqui S. Augustin (...) ytequitzin motlalia vmpa mohuicaz quimopialitiuh yn altepetl ayhtic yn motenehua S. Domingo la ysla, ynin nican motlacatilli nican tepiltzin Mexico criyoyo = Next to him went doctor Salcedo, the archdeacon, and doctor don Juan de Salamanca, the choirmaster, wearing capes (...) master [of theology] don Fray Diego de Contreras (...) an Augustinian friar (...) he will go to take charge of the altepetl out in the ocean called Santo Domingo de la Isla (...) he is the child of people here in Mexico, a criollo (central Mexico, 1613)