Principal English Translation:
a person's name (attested as male)
(Tepetlaoztoc, mid-sixteenth century)
Barbara J. Williams and H. R. Harvey, The Códice de Santa María Asunción: Facsimile and Commentary: Households and Lands in Sixteenth-Century Tepetlaoztoc (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1997), 84, 121.
Attestations from sources in English:
juo. nahualecatl (the glyph shows four lines, perhaps indicating the sound for nahui, four; it also has a black bean, perhaps indicating the sound for etl, bean; water comes out the bottom, for the sound atl; another part, with dotted lines, may indicate wind, ehecatl; if so, these images more than account for the sounds in the name, more than covering the bases) (Tepetlaoztoc, sixteenth century)
Barbara J. Williams and H. R. Harvey, The Códice de Santa María Asunción: Facsimile and Commentary: Households and Lands in Sixteenth-Century Tepetlaoztoc (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1997), 84.