a measure from the middle of the chest to the outstretched hand, often half a matl; approximately 83.59 cm (?)
see attestations for an example where it is equated with one vara
(Tlaxcala, 1585)
see also our entry for yollotl
omatl ipan ce yollotli = five varas (this makes one matl the equivalent of 2 varas and the yollotli the equivalent of one vara) (Coyoacan, 1568)
chiuchnaumatl ypan cenyollotli = 9 matl and one yollotli; matl appears generally in this manuscript if any unit is indicated, but only with an exception or two (Culhuacan, ca. 1580)
omatl ipan ce yollotli = five varas (this makes one matl the equivalent of 2 varas and the yollotli the equivalent of one vara) (Coyoacan, 1568)
ynic huey(ac) (cen) (roto) pohualalquahuitl on caxtolli omome yuan zenyollotli = que tiene [de largo] (trei)nta y siete brazas y una bara (Tlaxcala, 1585)
Noxolal X matl yuan çe yolotli nechmomaguiliteuac noteachcauhtzin catca Benito Guauhguiztoc = Mi solar de diez brazas y un corazón que me dejó dado mi hermano mayor, que era Benito Quahuquistoc (Santa Bárbara Tamasolco, Tlaxcala, 1596)
cepohualmatl yuan ce yolotli = veinte brazas y media [ce yolotli] (Santa Bárbara Tamasolco, 1593)
ce yolotl onictequipano nonecocol = [una parte] está con mazorca que la cultivé [con mi abuelo] (Santa Agueda Mixtetelco, sin fecha)
VI matl ypan ce yollotli auh ynic hueyac yn tonatiuh yquizayanpan XV matl ytech onaci yn Tlacochcalcatl yn icalnacaz = de seis brazas y media de ancho [braza del pecho a la mano] y de largo tiene del oriente(a occidente) quince brazas de largo desde la esquina de Martin Tlacuchcalcatl (Ciudad de Mexico, 1570)