
Principal English Translation: 

reedy land; or, the rotting of the reeds

[Source: Barbara J. Williams, "Pictorial Representation of Soils in the Valley of Mexico: Evidence from the Codex Vergara," Geoscience and Man 21 (1980), 51–62; see pp. 57–58. She cites Sahagún.]

Attestations from sources in English: 

“Tollalli: the ‘reedy land, or the rotting of the very weeds’ (Sahagún, 1963, p. 253) which probably corresponds to a bog soil (Fig. 6e).” (p.58)
Barbara J. Williams, "Pictorial Representation of Soils in the Valley of Mexico: Evidence from the Codex Vergara," Geoscience and Man 21 (1980), 51–62.