IDIEZ morfema:
IDIEZ traduc. inglés:
1. to smear blood on s.o. or s.t. 2. for the healer to apply chicken or turkey blood to paper cuttings during the Tlatlacualtiah ceremony.
IDIEZ def. náhuatl:
1. nic. Macehualli quiahaloa eztli ceyoc zo ce tlamantli. “Macehualli quiezzotih itecac Maribel quemman tlaezzotiyaya. ” 2. nitla. Macehualli quitoyahua iezzo piyo pan tlatectli. “Notiotah nechtlaneuhqui ma nitlaezzoti pan cruztzin pampa ya motequihuih cehcoyoc. ”
IDIEZ morfología:
ezzō, ti2, a4.
IDIEZ gramática: