
(a loanword from Spanish)

Principal English Translation: 

purple (see attestations)

Attestations from sources in English: 

noxhuiuh ytoCa maria Bauhtista nicmaCatiuh Centetl huipili yhuan Centetl Cueytl Ce Sotl morado se Sotl berde yhua Centetl metlatl = I am giving my grandchild María Bautista a huipil, a skirt with one length purple and one length green, and a metate. (1673, Mexico City)
Jonathan Truitt, Sustaining the Divine in Mexico Tenochtitlan: Nahuas and Catholicism, 1523–1700 (Oceanside, CA: The Academy of American Franciscan History; Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018), 249, 253.
