likely a term for small plovers and sandpipers, birds (see Hunn, attestations)
TEZOLOC-TLI, likely small plovers and sandpipers (Charadriidae, Scolopacidae) [FC: 27 Teçoloctli] “… is small, one which whirs [as it flies].” No further details noted, though it is described immediately following XOMO-TL, which I believe refers to a variety of terns (Sterninae), birds that nest on the sea coasts, then visit the highland lakes after nesting. If TEZOLOC-TLI follows a similar pattern, this term might refer to the several species of shorebirds (Charadriidae, Scolopacidae) that are known to visit the highland lakes of Central Mexico. Migrant flocks of these birds do “whir” when flushed, showing white bellies in flight. An addendum in Paragraph Three [FC: 57] elaborates: “Duck