(a loanword from Spanish)
to La Villa [de Jalostotitlán], at La Villa, in La Villa
yhuan diego martin amo oquitzihua ytlatol teupi xqui amo oquinocha yhueltiu niman teupixqui oqualani ynahuac diego martin hastla oquimicti yhuan huel quicocoli ynin franca gebastiana san yca ynin momauhtitica quimacasitica teupixqui san oyaque a la villa omotalique = And Diego Martín did not followpriest’s orders, he did not summon his older sister. Then the priest got angry with Diego Martín, he even beat him. And he felt great hatred towards Francisca Sebastiana. Just because of this she is terrified, she is afraid of the priest. [For this reason] they just fled to La Villa [de Jalostotitlán] to settle [petition (ANV 10); (Sullivan
ed. 2003: 31); time range: 1618]