
(a loanword from Spanish)

Principal English Translation: 


Attestations from sources in English: 

nima[n] q’[ui]mitalhui nopilvane ma amechmochicahuilli in Dios ynin amo tlamiz ca omomanazquia yn ipa[n] ylhuitzin totatzin auh
yn iquac adviento ca momanaz auh oanquicauhtiquizque (Anales de Juan Bautista 2001:254). =Then he said, ‘Oh my children, may God
strengthen you, it will not end. [The tribute] was to be submitted on the feast day of Our Father and it will [not] be submitted until
during Advent; but you have suddenly abandoned that'. [annals (AJB); time range: 1564]
Loans in Colonial and Modern Nahuatl, eds. Agnieszka Brylak, Julia Madajczak, Justyna Olko, and John Sullivan, Trends in Linguistics Documentation 35 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 66.