(a loanword from Spanish)
Cox cualli tlen yoquitlalihqueh porque n antez amo tlen oyiya de n non pero n axan ye cah, a ver quen tcontta n tehhuatzin, ¿cox non cualli o amo? (2013-SMX). =Is [this cellphone] they invented a good thing? Because there wasn’t anything of that in the past. But now there is, so what do you think about it? Is that good or not? [oral account (2013-SMX, 2014-P, 2015-SAH); time range: 2013–2015]
Pero antes quena eliyaya huan cequin poz canahya nocca quichihuah (2014-P). =[The ceremony] was indeed performed in the past and some peope still do it in some places. [oral account (2013-SMX, 2014-P, 2015-SAH); time range: 2013–2015]