(a loanword from Spanish)
members of the high court of New Spain
vmpa yn audiencia Real tlaca oydores. yhuan yn oc cequintin Justicias quimocuitlahuia quincahuato yn omentin omoteneuhq̃. ymachtzitzinhuan omoteneuhtzino miccatzintli arçobispo, yhuan yn ibangetzitzinhuan cahualloco, yhuan no tecahuaco y moteneuhque Soldadostin. = “The judges of the Royal Audiencia and the others who administer justice accompanied the two said nephews of the said deceased archbishop there, and his pages were brought there, and also the said soldiers came in accompaniment” (Chimalpahin 2006: 210). [annals (AHT); time range: 1611–1614]
oncan no motetoquillico tlahtohuani Visurrey Don diego fernandez de cordoua. yhuan mochintin yn audiencia real tlaca oydores all̅d̅es de cortes, yhuan i yehuatzin yn Arçobispo Don Juan Perez de la serna. = “Also the lord viceroy don Diego Fernández de Córdoba and all the members of the Royal Audiencia, the civil judges and alcaldes of court, and the archbishop, don Juan Pérez de la Serna, came to the burial” (Chimalpahin 2006: 290). [annals (AHT); time range: 1611–1614]