(a loanword from Spanish)
yhuan maquiltitiuh in cassula morada, yhuan cenca tlaçotli yn icpactzinco actiuh Mitra, coztic teocuitlaycpatica yectlamacho. yhuan tlaçoteyo epyolloyo. ymactzinco onotiuh yn ichcapixcatopiltzin baculo, macitica coztic teocuitlayo yn iztac teocuitlatl, auh no yhui yn imatzin haactiuh vandes. yhuan matzatzaztli anillos, = “Then he had on the purple chasuble, and on his head a very precious miter, finely embroidered with golden thread and covered with precious stones and pearls, and in his hand lay his shepherd’s staff, the crozier, solid silver gilded, and likewise he had gloves on his hands, and rings” (Chimalpahin 2006: 206). [annals (AHT); time range: 1612]
çaniuh chichiuhtoya yca in teoyotica ytlahtocateopixcanechichihualtzin yn motenehua ornamētos. pontificales. yn imitratzin yhuan casulla morada yhuan Yn itopiltzin baculo, quimotquilitoya. = “He was outfitted in his full normal gear as a priestly ruler, called pontifical ornaments: his miter and purple chasuble, and he lay carrying his staff, the crozier” (Chimalpahin 2006: 200) [annals (AHT); time range: 1612]