(a loanword from Spanish)
yvan quimotlatlahvtilia yn cabildo tlaxcallan yn su Exma señor visorrey yntla quimonequiltiz ytlahtocayotzin man çan yeh yc quimopalevily
yn ialtepehv su magtt rrey totlahtocahv ynic mochiuaz yglesias monestro s yn ixquich tepuztli yc tequitivaz yn azadoness picos barretas almadanas oc cequi tepoztli tequitihvani. = “And the cabildo of Tlaxcala implores his excellency the lord viceroy that if his lordship should wish it, his majesty the king our ruler might help his city with the building of the churches and monasteries by (giving it) all the metal implements with which the work is done, the hoes, picks, crowbars, sledgehammers and other metal tools” (Lockhart, Berdan & Anderson eds. 1986: 124) [municipal council records (TA 206); time range: 1567]