
Principal English Translation: 

a deity name, another name for Ixtlilton; Sah 1,35 - the Earth stomper (see attestations)

Orthographic Variants: 
Attestations from sources in English: 

Appelé aussi Ixtlîltôn, personnage divinisé qui avait des pouvoirs de guérisseur = Also called Ixtlîlton, a deified character who had healing powers (SW)
Launey II 218 n34
Avec Oxomoco, Cipactonal et Xochicahuaca, est L'un des quatre sages qui reste auprès des Mexicah après le départ de tous les autres en direction de l'Est. = Along with Oxomoco, Cipactonal, and Xochicahuaca, Tlaltetecuin is one of the four wise men who remain with the Mexica after everyone else has gone east. (SW)
Form: de tlâlli et tetecuîni, non attesté par ailleurs mais qui est. = Garibay Sah IV 363) = The form is from tlalli an tetecuini, une reduplication de tecuîni, 'qui frappe la terre du pied' (que salta hiriendo la tierra. = This is not attested elsewhere, but it represents a reduplication of tecuini, "he who stamps the land with his foot."
Wimmer 2004, cited in the Gran Diccionario Náhuatl,

See also: