inside the water; at least sometimes a reference to Mexico City, which was surrounded by lakes (central Mexico, seventeenth century)
Ynic chiquacen ytoca acamapichtli ynin yxhuiuhtzin yn coxcoxtli yehuatl yn tlahtocatico achto nican mexico tenochtitlan yn tultzallan acatzallan atlitic motenehua = The sixth was named Acamapichtli. This one was a grandson of Coxcoxtli. He was the first to rule here in Mexico Tenochtitlan Toltzallan Azatzallan in the midst of the water, [as] it was called. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Also a placename, e.g. La Magdalena Atlitic, or Santa María Magdalena Atlitic (today Magdalena Contreras), part of Mexico City, once part of Coyoacan, and with abundant water. There is also a place name called Atlitic on the map of the Relación Geográfica of what is now called Yecapixtla (originally Yacapitztla). See our Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs. (SW)