a barn owl (see Molina); the term mimics the bird's call (see Hunn, attestations); Anderson and Dibble say that the chicuatli is a smaller owl that screeches (see Florentine Codex, Book V)
CHĪCUAH-TLI, Barn Owl (Tyto alba) [FC: 46 Chiquatli] “It has thick feathers, eyes like spindle whorls, a curved bill. It is unkempt, fluffy. Its feathers are ashen, blotched like a quail’s. It is round-headed, stubby-tailed, round-winged. The eyes shine by night; they are weak by day. It is a night traveler which sees at night; it feeds, it lives by hunting…. It eats mice [and] lizards. It claws one.” No doubt this is the Barn Owl. The Codex lists as synonyms TAPAL-CATZOTZON-QUI [FC: 47 Tapalcatzotzonqui: “It is the same as the Barn Owl. It is named tapalcatzotzonqui because its call is as if one struck pot sherds or rattled them. Thus does it sound.”]. See also CHĪCH-TLI [FC: 47 Chichtli] “is the same as the Barn Owl.” The first synonym is a neat characterization of a common Barn Owl vocalization.
Cuix ticneltoca in temictli in Peyotl, Ololiuhqui, Tletl, Tecolotl, Chiquatli. coatl nozo itla oc centlamantli quimoteotiaya in mocolhuan huehuetque. = Do you believe in dreams, peyote, ololiuhqui, fire, owls, barn owls, snakes or some other thing your grandfathers the ancients used to worship?
Another name for the barn or screech owl is chichtli according to Sahagún.
Cuix ticneltoca in temictli in Peyotl, Ololiuhqui, Tletl, Tecolotl, Chiquatli. coatl nozo itla oc centlamantli quimoteotiaya in mocolhuan huehuetque. = As creydo en sueños, en el Peyote, Ololiuque, en el fuego, en los Buhos, Lechusas, ò Culebras, &c. O en otros abusos que tuvieron tus antepasados.
Cuix oticmotetzahui, in chiquauhtli, in chixtli, in yepatl? = Tubiste aguero en el chiqualote, y en un cierto paxaro griton, y en el Zorrillo?