Green Heron, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)
HUEXŌ-CANAUH-TLI, literally, “willow duck,” Green Heron (Butorides virescens) [FC: 27 Vexocanauhtli] “Its legs are long, dark green. Its bill is pointed, long and pointed, green…. The head becomes chili-red; its legs become long, rope-like. Its legs are stringy.” Martin del Campo identified this as the Black-crowned Night-Heron, despite the fact that he also identified Oactli as this heron. The description here does not fit. I suspect this is the Green Heron. Though labeled a “duck,” that term is applied more liberally by the Aztec scribes, to include the Black-crowned Night-Heron and even the Belted Kingfisher, so the Green Heron might also be a “duck,” that is, CANAUH-TLI. See also HUAC-TLI “Black-crowned Night-Heron.