flag, banner; often used as a phonetic indicator for the locative suffix -pan in Nahuatl hieroglyphs; flags were possibly associated with sacrifice (see Mikulska)
"Pamitl is found primarily throughout the northern and eastern flanks of the Valley of Mexico, while panitl is essentially restricted to Mexico, the Tepanec heartland, and perhaps Colhuacan and Chalco."
cencā ivian in iativitze, quiniacana in quachpanitl = they came very slowly, with the standard leading them
teucuitlapanitl, quetzalpanitl, yoā teucuitlacozcatl = golden banners, banners of precious feathers, and golden necklaces (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
mamallitli, tecuitlapanitl, yn imac, icac = the fire sticks, the golden banner are in his hands
Pantli, Panitl, Pamitl = bandera, estandarte
Como se ve en los Primeros Memoriales, las banderas, a veces, "se colocaban en la espalda de los guerreros, encima de un armazón", formando "parte del conjunto de insignias llamado tlahuiztli (Olko, 2005: 263)—las cuales también eran utilizadas durante bailes (Códice Florentino, 1979, lib. IX: 92)." (p. 96)
"Aunque escasos, en las fuentes en náhuatl existen datos que indican que las banderas panitl, al igual que el gis y las plumas (in tizatl in ihuitl), pueden ser entregadas a alguien como símbolo de su sacrificio." (p. 103)