smoke, vapor, fumes (see Karttunen and Molina)
poctli (noun) = smoke, vapor, fog, mist
Oncān tipōctiz; oncān tāyauhtiz = There you will become smoke; there you will become mist. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
tlapopotztoque. poctli mani = they were making much smoke. It was smoky.... (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
poctlevatoc, poctli mantoc poctli moteca = smoke rose, hung about, spread out (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
in ipocyo, in ayauhyo: quitoznequi: imauizo, itenyo: anozo aca ueca oya, ayamo poliui in itenyo, in imauizzo = smoke and mist, meaning his fame and glory, had not yet vanished; or, about someone who had gone far away and whose fame and glory had not faded.
Ichiltica, ipoctica tiquiztiaz in tlalticpac = Permanecerás viviendo en el mundo al lado del chile, del humo (A los niños se les castigaba haciéndoles aspirar humo de chile tostado. Véase Códice Mendocino, fol. 60 v. (centro de México, s. XVI)
Zan nó ipan inin xihuitl opeuhqui pocmayahui in Popocatl ipan Junio = En el mismo año comenzó a despedir humo el volcán de México, que llaman Popocatl, en junio (Puebla, 1797)