to emit smoke (for smoke to come out of a volcano, for instance); or, for a comet to appear or pass through the sky (SW
a comet is a star that smokes (popoca citlalin)
i Acatl xihuitl. 1363. años yquac ypan in peuh yn popocatepetl in ye popoca = The year One Reed, 1363, the time when Pocacatepetl began to smoke (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
opopocac Sitlalin yn ipocyo ytztoya yttech matlalCueyetzin = A comet appeared. Its tail faced toward Matlalcueye.
in moteneva in chicavac, in vapavac, in tlatolli in mitoa in chichinauhtiuh, in pupucatiuh in nelhuillo in nemaco = what are called the strong, the harsh words, which are said, burned, gave off smoke; what was spoken what was given (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
In popocatiuh, in chichinauhtiuh. Inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoaya: in aquin cenca chicaoac tlatolli ic tenonotza, ioan tecoco tlatolli = He is smoking, he is sizzling. This was said of the person who reprimanded others in very harsh words, words that stung.
Pupocatepel ça ca ye yuhqui pupocaticac = Popocatepetl estaba como humeando (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
1664 ypan meztl de junio yn opeuhqui ynic pupoca yn tepetl Popocatzin huel tomahuac yni pocyo ynicpac quizaya = en el año de 1664, en el mes de junio empezó a humear la montaña Popocatzin, un humo grueso le salía de la cima (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)