
Principal English Translation: 

to believe, to have faith (see Karttunen), or, to convert (see attestations)

Frances Karttunen: 

TLANELTOCA to believe, to have faith / creer (C) [(4)Cf.48r,84v]. M does not have an entry for this, but C treats it as an intransitive verb with the nonspecific object prefix TLA- fused to the verb stem. See NELTOCA.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 284.

Attestations from sources in English: 

Tla xiquimittaca[n] yn xallatauhca yn achto otlaneltocaque yn do[n] Alonso yeh icapa ye ysonbrero mochiuhque yn ipilhua[n] yhuan in teyacanque omochmocuapque[ue] ye moch quaquaque aocmo altepeneçi yn o[n]can onoque ça ixtlahuaca[n] quauhtla y[n] ce[n]mantinemi vacastin. (Anales de Juan Bautista, f. 8v) = Just look at the people of Xallatlauhco who were the first to convert. The children of Don Alonso turned into his cape and sombrero, and all the leaders there were transformed and turned into grazing cattle. No longer is the altepetl recognizable, and those who are there now live only in empty land, in forests, where cows have taken over.
Ezekiel G. Stear, Nahua Horizons: Writing, Persuasion, and Futurities in Colonial Mexico (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2025), 126–127.

See also: