domestic Wild Turkey (see Hunn, attestations); domestic fowl (could include turkeys, chickens, and doves) (see Karttunen) a turkey hen; also sometimes meant to refer to a chicken; could be male or female
See hieroglyphs of the totolin from the Codex Mendoza:
TŌTO-LIN/TŌTO-LI/IHUIQUEN/IHUIQUENTZIN/XIUH-COZCATL, Wild Turkey, domestic (Meleagris gallopavo) [FC: 53 Totoli]: “The name is also iuiquen, iuiquentzin, and xiuhcozca is [also] its name. It is a dweller in one’s home, which lives near and by one. The feathers are thick, the tail rounded. It has wings; it is heavy, not a flyer…. It leads the meats; it is the master….” There follow elaborate details relevant to turkey husbandry. This is the domestic Wild Turkey (not an oxymoron).
auh huel patio in onicychtec, tomin, totoltin, tilmatli &c. = What I have stolen (money, domestic fowl, blankets, etc.) is costly.
castillan civatotolin = a grown Castilian hen (Tlaxcala, 1545) Castillan is the noun "Castile," though used in effect adjectivally, while castil is a noun "chicken."
hatlei y nemapupoloni atlei totoli atlei totoltetl cacavatl y tlaoli atlei = No hand towels, no turkeys, no turkey eggs, cacao or shelled maize (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
tlaqualli, in totoli, in totoltetl in iztac tlaxcalli, in chipoac tlaxcalli = food: turkey hens, eggs, white tortillas, fine tortillas
Auh in tonalpouhquj, in ijlhvil, in jmaceoal, in jnemac: atli, tlaqua, qujtlauhtia: auh amo ҫan quexqujch in qujmaca, ҫan mantiuh in totolin, auh centlamamalli in tlaqualli = And the desert, the merit, the lot of the soothsayer was to drink, to eat; and not just a little did they give him; he went [with] turkeys and a load of food (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yetetl totoli vi = three turkeys 6 reales (i.e. turkeys were worth 2 reales each) (Tulancingo, 1567)
x iii hectotoltin = 13 grown turkey hens (European chickens?) (Culhuacan, 1580)
y castilan totolme iiii tetl = four Castillian hens (Culhuacan, 1580)
totollin = gallinas (central Mexico, 1595)
auh in tlamanj, in temanj, in male, in teacinj, no motlauhoça, mopotonja, motzomaia yn jma, yn icxi iztac totoliujtica = And those who had captured prisoners, who had captives whom they had taken, also anointed themselves with red; they covered themselves with feather down; their hands and feet were covered with white turkey feathers. (16th century, Mexico City)
Auh in yevantin yn oncan tlamocuitlavizque meson quitemozque yvan quicovativi yn ivani yn qualoni yn campa amo cenca tlaҫoti ynic amo ytlanili [sobre el renglón: lozque] macevaltin yn totolin anoҫo ytla occentlamantli yn amo y yolocopa quinamacaznequi = Y aquellos que cuiden el mesón, buscarán e irán a comprar la bebida y la comida donde no hay carestía; y no pedirán guajolotes a los macehuales o alguna otra cosa que no quieran vender por su voluntad (Cuauhtinchan, Puebla, s. XVI)
totollcohualloni XX p[es]os = Se gastó en guajolotes 20 pesos (Hidalgo, late sixteenth century)