
Principal English Translation: 

a barricade, an enclosure, town walls; this term also came to refer to a "pyramid" (see attestations)

Attestations from sources in English: 

Motenan, motzacuil. Inin tlatolli, intechpa mitoaya in tlatequipanoa: azo calpixcati, azo achcacauhti = Your wall, your enclosure. This was said of those who served in some capacity, such as tribute collectors or captains.
Thelma D. Sullivan, "Nahuatl Proverbs, Conundrums, and Metaphors, Collected by Sahagún," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 4 (1963), 160–161.

Mitoa in ascan, tetepe tzacuilli, itzacuil tonatiuh, yoan itzacoal metztli. = They are now called pyramids—the pyramid of the sun and the pyramid of the moon. [Dibble and Anderson translation. The transcription is as published, including the "s" in axcan, and the "a" in itzacoal metztli. See tzacualli for another way of referring to "pyramids." (SW)]
Digital Florentine Codex, Book 7, Chapter 4, folio 3v,

See also: