to be in a horizontal position, stretched out; to rest; to lie (not as in falsehood) or be laid out; or for wood or something long stretched out; laid out (Molina); to live, dwell, reside, be located; to remain, to prevail, to stand; to spread; in plural, especially in reverential, sometimes to be assembled (Lockhart)
Oc onahuilhuiti yn oonoca ynacayotzin yn oncan Capilla palacio. = First his body had lain for four days in the palace chapel. españoles. ca çan yehuantin quimomictilique in medigos yn iticitzitzinhuan quimopahtiliaya = Absolutely all of the religious and Spaniards said that it was just the doctors, his physicians, who killed him. (central Mexico, 1612)
oncan onoque = dwelling there (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
monoltitoc = he was lying down, laid out
monoltia = to cause to lie down
yn cecni chiuac ocan onoc trigo = Y de la otra banda, donde está el trigo (Tulancingo, México, 1577)
onoqueh maceualtin = donde están todos aquellos naturales (Tulancingo, México, 1577)
yuan yn totecuyo oncan monoltitoc yuan yn ithoallo yuan yn ompa hoalcallacohoa monamacaz = y donde estan las ymajenes con el patio y la entrada dello se benda (Ciudad de México, 1573)
nonoc = yo estoy acostado; tu, tonoc, él/ella, onoc; nosotros, tonoque; vosotros, amonoque; ellos, onoque; onoya = (la gerundiua); onoca = (el pretérito perfecto), yo estaua, yo estuue, y hauia estado acostado; tu, tonoca; él/ella, onoca; nosotros, tonocah; vosotros, amonocah; ellos, onocah; onoua = (el impesonal) todos están acostados (Tetzcoco, 1595)