to rise or go away doing something; to arise and do something; something done just before leaving; something done upon dying, as in giving something to heirs (see attestations)
For example, to give something upon dying, or leave something to someone. (Found in testaments.)
ҫan ceppa titlananqujliteoaz, timoquetzteoaz = The very first time, thou art to arise responding, to arise quickly (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
cuemitl nechmomaquiliteuac yn ciuapili = tierras que me dejó la principala, que era doña Juana Acolguaca[ci]huatzin
ypanpa nonantzin nechmacatevac = porque mi madre me dejo dado tierras (Tlaxcala, 1568)
Ce tonaltica ocalactehuac cente tlacatl cuacuahue = Cierto día entró (a la casa) un hombre toro (s. XX, Milpa Alta)