(a loanword from Spanish)
guardian angel
Quipiloque tliltic yhuan momiquili reyna yhuan yacuican mochiuh missa ychatzinco Anguel costodia (Zapata y Mendoza 1995: 228). =They hanged a black man and the vicereine died and for the first time a mass was performed in the chapel of the Guardian Angel. [annals (AHT, ZM); time range: 1614–second half of the seventeenth century (?)]
Axcan Sabado ynic .i. mani metztli Março de 1614 años yhcuac yancuican nican Mexico omopix pialli omuchiuh Yn ilhuitzin mocentlamachtiani Angel cotodio. totepixcatzin. =“Today, Saturday the 1st of the month of March of the year 1614, was when for the first time here in Mexico there was observed and celebrated the feast day of the greatly blessed Guardian Angel, our custodian” (Chimalpahin 2006: 272). [annals (AHT, ZM); time range: 1614–second half of the seventeenth century (?)]