
Principal English Translation: 

a personal name, "Comet" or, literally, "He Smokes Like a Star;" this name was held by a tlahtoani of Quiahuiztlan, Tlaxcala, at the time of the Spanish invasion; other people also had this name, and it has lived on in Mexico to the present day

Orthographic Variants: 
Citalpopoca, Zitlalpopoca
Attestations from sources in English: 

Don Bartolomé Zitlalpopoca appears as a "legitimate cacique and witness" to an event mentioned in a painting from 1801 that his housed in the Archivo General de la Nación.
Ethelia Ruiz Medrano, Mexico's Indigenous Communities, Their Lands and Histories, 1500–2010 (Boulder: University of Colorado Press, 2010), Fig. 2.9.

The Genealogy of Citlalpopoca, aka Généalogie de I'un des Quatre Gouverneurs de la République de Tlaxcala, is held in the French national library, BNP 104, in the Ex-Aubin Collection. It features six individuals, ending with Diego Sánchez, and mentions 17 place names. It is related to the lawsuit in BNP 117.
Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volumes 14 and 15, 108.

For a late-eighteenth century example of the name, see the "License to Practice the Noble Art of Goldworking of don José Mariano Sánchez de Salazar Zitlalpopoca," Mexico, Jan 11, 1773–Mar 26, 1774, Salazar Family Papers, LC-MMC, ff. 82r–89v.
Peter B. Villella, Indigenous Elites and Creole Identity in Colonial Mexico, 1500–1800 (2016), 246, note 74.

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

Yn nehuatl Margarita Citlalpopoca nochan Mimiauapan ca ninamiquitica itlan don Francisco Mexia.
Teresa Rojas Rabiela, ‎Elsa Leticia Rea López, ‎Constantino Medina Lima, Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos en náhuatl y castellano, siglo XVII, vol. 2 (1999), 217.

Testamento de don Felipe Pérez de la Corona Zitlalpopoca, cacique de Mimiahuapan, año 1568.
Teresa Rojas Rabiela, ‎Elsa Leticia Rea López, ‎Constantino Medina Lima, Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos en náhuatl y castellano, siglo XVII, vol. 2 (1999), 148.

Un ejemplo del siglo XVIII: "Siendo Gobernador de este Pueblo Beltrán Paez de Mendoza Zitlalpopoca, cacique principal. Agosto 5 de 1781."
Javier Romero Quiroz, Amaquemecan, Amecameca (1975), 277.

See also: