a person's home; a chapel (the "home" of a saint's image); an enclosure for animals; a Spaniard's estate; this term rarely appears unpossessed, i.e., with the absolutive (-tli); exceptions are when this is a name, Chantli, as is found, for example, in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco (see an example on folio 833 recto
chantli (noun) = a dwelling, a residence
Yn nahuachuic chicnahuy tlamantlí, tlaca, mochintín cetlacatilíz-pan quizque, omoxexeloque Ynizquícan chachanecayotl = Nine parties of people, all from the same lineage, left with them. They separated themselves into an equal number of residential groups.
cacalactinemj in techachan = they kept going from house to house (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
quimoselilis yn noyolia y nanimantzin ynic quimohuiquilis yn itlatocachantzinco ynic onpa quimoyectenehuilis en nonbre gesus maria y gose = accept my spirit and soul to take it to his royal home so that there it will praise him. In the name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (Santa María Nativitas, Toluca Valley, 1737)
macuilti acticate yn icha = Five are included in his home. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
Acamique campa oanvallque, can amochan? = Who are you? Where have you come from? Where is your homeland?
For extended discussions of the possibility of chantli (with the absolutive), see a posting by Joe Campbell and one by Alan King (about Nawat of El Salvador) both in May 2008 on the Nahuat-L listserv.
yhuan niquitohua yehuatzin San miḡl de apariçio nicnonemactilia çe pedaso tlali oniccouh onpa moquetzaz ychantzin = And I say that I donate to San Miguel de Aparicio a piece of land that I bought; there his home [chapel] is to be erected. (San Miguel Aticpac, Toluca Valley, 1711)
yha has been seen in the Valley of Toluca for ychan (his/her home) (San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1759)
itlatoCachatzintzinCon ylhuiCac = his royal home in heaven
vmpevaya inetotiloya in jchã diablo = there began the dancing in the temple of the devil. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
nican nitocoz ychatzinco Santa Ysabel = he de ser enterrada en Santa Isavel (San Damián, 1590)
Nezahualcoyotzin ichan = en la casa de Nezahualcoyotl
tochan Mexico = en nuestra tierra (i.e.) en nuestra casa, México