hand or arm; or, a measurement (see also matl and cemmatl); or, an outlying extension of a community (an extensions of an altepetl); in hieroglyphic writing, images ma(itl) (hands, arms) could be used for place names ending in -ma or -mān ("where there is"), which might be a truncation of mani
On early maps, a glyph of a hand has been seen to represent the land measure, maitl. But in textual manuscripts, we see both maitl and matl. For example, a document from Mexico City from 1600 uses both matl and maitl. Speaking of chinampas, we see the measure "matlactli oce maitl ypan cemomitl." A translation from 1697 uses braza to translate matl/maitl, and explains that the omitl was 1/3 of a matl/maitl.
Īmmācpa ōniquīz in otomî = I escaped from the Otomi (lit. emerged from their hands)
in matitech qujmaantiuj = went leading by the hand
ymactzinco nocontlalia yn noyollia yn nanima ypanpa ca ytlamaquixtiltzin = I commend my spirit and soul to his hands, for it is something redeemed by him (San Bartolomé Atenco, 1617)
vmexti in imacpal çatepan quiquechvitecque veca vetzito in iquech = both of his hands were severed. Then they struck his neck; his head landed far away (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
ca much vncā [fol.31] icuiliuhtoc in tzontecomatl, nacaztli, iollotli, cuitlaxculli eltapachtli, tochichi, macpalli, xocpalli = for there were painted all severed heads, ears, hearts, entrails, livers, lungs, hands and feet (Mexico City, sixteenth century)
yz ca yn imil chicuematli yz ca yn itequivh ce çotli canavac ya yxquich yn itequivh y napovaltica quicava çecotli [sic? meant çeçotli?] y cuavhnavacayotli yz ca yn itetlacualtil ce çotli canavac ya ixquich yn itequivh = Here is his field: 8 matl. Here is his tribute that he delivers every 80 days: one quarter-length of a Cuernavaca cloak each time. Here is his provisions tribute: one quarter-length of a narrow cloak. That is all of his tribute. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
yz ca yn imil chicuazematla [sic] yz ca yn itetlacualtil çe çotli canavac atle y[...]laquil ça ya yo yn itequivh y nica acticate macuilti y cetetli calli y cate = Here is his field, six matl. Here is his provisions tribute, one quarter-length of a narrow cloak. [He gives] no tribute in kind, that is all his tribute. There are five people included in one house here. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
yz ca yn imil matlacmatli = Here is his field; it is ten units (in length) (Cuernavaca, 1535–45)
matl, matzintli = land measurements (Tlaxcala, 1566)
ymac = through (him or her or it); through or by (his) hand, under (his) charge
momactzinco = in your hand(s) (reverential)
inmatica (ynmatica, etc.) = in their hands, by their hands
nicnotennamiquilia in momatzin in mocxitzin = I kiss your hands and feet (formulaic phrase)
icenmactzinco = entirely in the hands of [God]
ce imactzinco = (the same meaning; seen this way in the Toluca Valley)
huel isemactzincon = very entirely in the hands of (Santa Ana, Toluca Valley, 1728)
maitl = hand [arm]
toma = our hand
ueiac = long
uitlatztic = very long
tepiton = small
tzapa = diminutive
mitoa maueiac = it is said, long-hand
mauiuiiac = long hands
mauiuitla = it grasps a handful
matzapa = hand diminishes
maҫoa = hand extends
maiaui = it casts
tlatequipanoa = it works
tlamatoca = it touches
tlatzitzquia = it grasps
tlanaoatequi = it embraces things
tenaoatequi = it embraces one
tlamalcochoa = it embraces something
tlamacochoa = it embraces something
temacochoa = it embraces one
temacochuia = it causes one to embrace
tlanapaloa = it carries armloads (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in maitl in icxitl = mano, pie = una metáfora para decir 'ser humano' (s. XVI)
ynic patlahuac cenpohualli onmatlactli maytl auh ynic hueyac aço centzontli = de ancho tiene treinta brazas y de largo me parece que tendrá cuatrocientas brazas (Tlaxcala, 1609)
naniman ymactzinco nocontlalia yn totecuyo Dios = mi ánima la pongo en las manos de Dios (Coyoacan, 1607)
yc nomatica niquetza cruz = con mi mano pongo una cruz (Ciudad de México, 1558)
Auh ynic omotamachiuh yn itepotz hematl auh yn inacaz matlactli brazas = Y midiose la trasera dellas y tuvo tres brazas y por el lado tuvo diez brazas (Ciudad de México, 1582)
niman ompa oquilpi, oquitzacuili in imahuan ica esposas = allí mismo en el instante lo aprisionó, cerrándole las manos con esposas (Puebla, 1797)
yhua[n] yn ipa[n] esta[n]çia yn ima altepetl moch hualla yn intlahuiz yn ipa[n] macehualloc = Y de las estancias, manos del altepetl vinieron todas sus insignias con las cuales danzaron. (ca. 1582, México)