Northern Shoveler, a bird (see Hunn, attestations)
YACA-PATLA-HUAC, literally, “has a flat nose,” Northern Shoveler (Spatula clypeata) [FC: 38 Iacapatlaoac] “It is a duck. It is named yacapatlauac because its bill is somewhat long and very wide at the end. It is the size of a goose…. It molts [here] twice…. Its head is a very resplendent black as far as its shoulders. Its eyes are yellow, its breast whitish, it back ashen…. Its wings are silvery; its flight feathers green, glistening, black at the ends…. Its belly shows tawny; its legs are chili-red. Also it does not rear its young here; it also migrates…. Many come here.” I agree with Martin del Campo that this is an excellent description of the Northern Shoveler.