(a loanword from Spanish)
to be or to become judge
Don Bartholome franco xochiquen yc oppa all̅d̅etic. St. Pablo ychan. = “Don Bartolomé Francisco Xochiquen, who became alcalde for the second time, from San Pablo” (Chimalpahin 2006: 70). [annals (AHT, AP, ZM), municipal council records (TA 143); time range: 1555–1690]
auh yn rretetoton yn icaticate sanno ompa tlacpac ynon oquicouh yn diego de leon ycuac oalcaldetic. = “And the little [guards, stops?] that also stand up above were bought by don Diego de León when he served as alcalde” (Townsend ed. 2010: 146). [annals (AHT, AP, ZM), municipal council records (TA 143); time range: 1555–1690]