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Displaying 81 - 96 of 96 records found. ... lives on the water; it belongs with the ducks. Its head is chili-red, its bill pointed. It lives, it is hatched only ...
... resemble the glistening green crest feathers and/or the chili-red feathers of the breast of the Resplendent ...
... 1960), 48. "nechillatolli . . . atolli mixed with chili and honey." (Central Mexico, 1571–1615) The Mexican ...
Polihui in nochīl; polihui in noztauh = My chili pepper is becoming ruined; my salt is becoming ruined ...
... auh in cetzin quauhtlatzaiantzin, injc tonmotlapopuchilitiez = here the husband provideth thee with ... place, with which thou wilt procure the sustenance, the chili, the salt, the torches, and some firewood, that thou ...
... in tequjxqujtlaltzin = The herbs, the wood, the strands of chili, the cakes of salt, the nitrous soil are not thy ...
... products of the lands [like] corn, beans, amaranth, chia, chilis, and tomatoes (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... there they planted corn, amaranth, beans, squash, green chilis, and tomatoes. (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... in aoacan, in tepeoacan = Place the strands of chili, the salt cakes, the nitrous soil, the strings of fish ...
... with seeds; tamales of meat cooked with maize and yellow chili; roast turkey hen; roast quail. (central Mexico, ...
... products of the lands [like] corn, beans, amaranth, chia, chilis, and tomatoes (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... auh in cetzin quauhtlatzaiantzin, injc tonmotlapopuchilitiez = here the husband provideth thee with ... place, with which thou wilt procure the sustenance, the chili, the salt, the torches, and some firewood, that thou ...
... there they planted corn, amaranth, beans, squash, green chilis, and tomatoes. (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... there they planted corn, amaranth, beans, squash, green chilis, and tomatoes. (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... chiltecpimoli inamic = large folded tortillas with hot chili sauce (central Mexico, sixteenth century) Fray ...
... 2002), 86–87. Polihui in nochīl; polihui in noztauh = My chili pepper is becoming ruined; my salt is becoming ruined ...
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