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Displaying 1 - 36 of 36 records found.
... nemi chicaoaque, in oapaoaque in ayac uel quinpeoa = The jaguar mat, the eagle mat. This means where the strong and ... Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 4 (1963), 146–147. the jaguar mat ocelopetlatl. ocelopetlatl. ...
... 2. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription. jaguars, ocelots; Molina gives "tigers" ocelome. ocelome. ...
... hace daño o muerde. No se refiere especialmente al tigre o jaguar [i.e. ocelotl], aunque este animal queda incluido por ... tlen pampa nimotlaloh chicahuac. ” often translated as jaguar, this is a beast; a wild animal; a large animal; a ...
... intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo tiacauh. = Like eagles, like jaguars. This was said about combat because the nobles did ... de Cultura Náhuatl 4 (1963), 168–169. like ocelots or jaguars, in the manner of ocelots (when combined with ...
the eagle, the jaguar (literally); a reference to warriors, something of a ...
ucelueoaicpali = jaguar skin seat Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros ... et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 209. jaguar skin mat Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros ...
ucelueoapetlatl (oceloehuapetlatl) = jaguar skin mat (central Mexico, sixteenth-century) Fray ... et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 209. jaguar skin seat Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros ...
an "ocelotl" (i.e., jaguar) warrior Digital Florentine Codex , Book 9, folio ...
... p. 253. ce ozelotl ycxitlan = ce: o:ce:lo:tl i:cxitlan = a jaguar at his feet (Tlaxcala, ca. 1600) [ce ocelotl ... war property, with much furious shouting, like coyotes, jaguars, and mountain lions. (Tlaxcala, ca. 1600) Anónimo ... Press, 2005), 39. vcelueoaicpali (oceloehuaicpalli) = Jaguar skin seat (central Mexico, sixteenth century) Fray ...
... Nahuatl *ocelotl*. The latter (*o:ce:lo:tl*) is actually 'jaguar' par excellence, whereas *tla'coo:ce:lo:tl *(literally, 'semi-jaguar') is 'ocelot'. I have no idea why Dibble and Anderson ... The zoologist they consulted, Stephen Durrant, recommended 'jaguar' over their 'ocelot' (Florentine Codex, Bk. 11, 1963, ...
... Nahuatl *ocelotl*. The latter (*o:ce:lo:tl*) is actually 'jaguar' par excellence, whereas *tla'coo:ce:lo:tl *(literally, 'semi-jaguar') is 'ocelot'. I have no idea why Dibble and Anderson ... The zoologist they consulted, Stephen Durrant, recommended 'jaguar' over their 'ocelot' (Florentine Codex, Bk. 11, 1963, ...
... Nahuatl *ocelotl*. The latter (*o:ce:lo:tl*) is actually 'jaguar' par excellence, whereas *tla'coo:ce:lo:tl *(literally, 'semi-jaguar') is 'ocelot'. I have no idea why Dibble and Anderson ... The zoologist they consulted, Stephen Durrant, recommended 'jaguar' over their 'ocelot' (Florentine Codex, Bk. 11, 1963, ...
One Jaguar; a calendrical name, once the calendrical name for ...
... nemi chicaoaque, in oapaoaque in ayac uel quinpeoa = The jaguar mat, the eagle mat. This means where the strong and ...
... = Martín Ocelocoatl (the glyph by the name gloss shows a jaguar or an ocelot head and a pot, comitl, with water ...
... intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo tiacauh. = Like eagles, like jaguars. This was said about combat because the nobles did ...
... intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo tiacauh. = Like eagles, like jaguars. This was said about combat because the nobles did ...
... intlacamo oquichtli, intlacamo tiacauh. = Like eagles, like jaguars. This was said about combat because the nobles did ...
... war property, with much furious shouting, like coyotes, jaguars, and mountain lions. Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley ...
... de metal blanco tecuani = comedor de gente, caníbal, jaguar Fernando Horcasitas Pimentel, Náhuatl Práctico ...
... a representation of hunters who were called to kill a jaguar that was menacing the livestock of the community. ...
... war property, with much furious shouting, like coyotes, jaguars, and mountain lions. Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley ...
... Tradition, University of Warsaw, 2005), 114. ocelocopilli = jaguar skin conical headpiece (Tezozomoc 2001, 264) Justyna ... in icpac contlaliticac = on his head he has set his conical jaguar-skin headpiece Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros ...
... the Danza de los Tepehuanes. It seems to have the theme of jaguar hunting. Would the sense of tepehuani here be ...
... 6. quimonpehualtique yn ocellome castillan = they sent two jaguars off to Spain (central Mexico, early seventeenth ...
... Monkey 12) Malinalli / Grass 13) Acatl / Reed 14) Ocelotl / Jaguar 15) Cuauhtli / Eagle 16) Cozcacuauhtli / Buzzard 17) ...
... sticks had embedded precious green stones, and snake and jaguar skins ("ciertos palos y haciendo una muesca, o ...
... war property, with much furious shouting, like coyotes, jaguars, and mountain lions. Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley ...
... and cannot, mean the purported "Place of the Temple of the Jaguar" (as given in Wikipedia, for example). The reason why ...
... ocotochevatl in coyoevatl = the skins of the wild animals: jaguar skins, wolf skins, red jaguar skins, bobcat skins, coyote skins (central Mexico, ...
... sandals from afar, and sandals with punched sides, and jaguar skin sandals, and rabbit fur sandals (central Mexico, ...
... the name Quauh for a man. yn tiquauhtli in toçelutl = you jaguars, you eagles [literally, in the opposite order] ... with a deceased ruler; the burial also contained a bow, a jaguar, and arrows] Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley H. Crapo ...
... into pumas, they change into wolves, they change into jaguars. (central Mexico, late sixteenth century) Louise M. ... NiNāhualocēlōtl = It is I in person. I am Nahualli-jaguar. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629) ...
... a little lamb, as he went to fall into the hands of the jaguars, the forest pumas (early sixteenth century, Central ...
... of capes: ehuatilmahtli = fur cape(s); oceloehuatilmahtli = jaguar skin cape(s); mazaehuatilmahtli = deer skin cape(s); ...
... in nāuhcāmpa ticamachālohtoc = Let it be soon, O my jaguar mat (H), you who lie opening your mouth wide toward ...