Spanish Loanwords | I

Letter I: Displaying 61 - 78 of 78

something dedicated or belonging to God (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

Orthographic Variants: 
, itlacatilitzin totecuiyo iesu cristo, itlacatilitzin totecuiyo jesu cristo

the nativity scene, or the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (partly includes loanwords for Jesus Christ)

Orthographic Variants: 
itlacatiliz ilhuitzin totecuiyo iesu cristo, itlacatiliz ilhuitzin totecuiyo jesu cristo

the festivity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (partly includes loanwords for Jesus Christ)

Orthographic Variants: 
itlacxipetlaltzin totecuiyo iesuchristo, itlacxipetlaltzin totecuiyo jesucrristo

the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (includes a loanword from Spanish)

Orthographic Variants: 
itlaueltzin in dios

the wrath of God (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

wheat chaff (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, trigo, wheat)

Orthographic Variants: 
justicia topilli

the scepter, the staff of justice (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, justicia, justice)

Orthographic Variants: 

the Roman numeral for 4, a loan (see attestations)

to have disrespected or offended our lord (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

the arms of a cross, or the wooden cross piece of a cross (see Molina)
(contains a loanword from Spanish: cruz, cross)

Orthographic Variants: 
iyacamecayo cauallo

a horses muzzle (see Molina)
(partly a Spanish loanword, caballo, horse)

wheat chaff (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, trigo, wheat)

the trinity of God (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

the being or the essence of God (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

Orthographic Variants: 
iyeliz yn dios

the being or the essence of God (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

Orthographic Variants: 
iyollotlamatic yntotecuiyo dios

he wanted; or, our Lord God was served (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)

Orthographic Variants: 
iyxpoxcauhca yn uino

milk skin, or wine flower (see Molina; partly a loan word, huino = vino = wine)

Orthographic Variants: 
iztlaca propheta

a false prophet
(partially a loanword from Spanish, profeta)