something dedicated or belonging to God (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
the nativity scene, or the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (partly includes loanwords for Jesus Christ)
the festivity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (partly includes loanwords for Jesus Christ)
the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ (see Molina) (includes a loanword from Spanish)
the wrath of God (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
wheat chaff (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, trigo, wheat)
the scepter, the staff of justice (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, justicia, justice)
the Roman numeral for 4, a loan (see attestations)
to have disrespected or offended our lord (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
the arms of a cross, or the wooden cross piece of a cross (see Molina) (contains a loanword from Spanish: cruz, cross)
a horses muzzle (see Molina) (partly a Spanish loanword, caballo, horse)
the trinity of God (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
the being or the essence of God (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
he wanted; or, our Lord God was served (see Molina) (partly a loanword from Spanish, dios, God)
milk skin, or wine flower (see Molina; partly a loan word, huino = vino = wine)
a false prophet (partially a loanword from Spanish, profeta)