Letter M: Displaying 2741 - 2760 of 2878
person who spins around a lot when dancing.
Orthographic Variants: 

a coiled snake (see Molina)

for water to be mixed up with lots of little specks of dirt, lint, etc.
# el agua tiene basuritas hasta abajo y cuando lo mueven se ve mucho. “mamá de Bina, tu agua nada mas se revuelve a lomejor no lavaste bien tu cubeta”.
# 1. nic. Persona, animal domestico o animal silvestre mueve el agua y se queda revuelta. “Martín, no muevas esa agua porque nada mas lo revuelves y yo quiero lavar”. 2. nic. Persona lo menea una cosa o un tipo de comida y no deja que se asienta. “Anna, ya no lo menees ese café porque nada mas lo revuelves y yo me quiero servir”.
Orthographic Variants: 
moyamancai uino

a page who brings wine(?) (see Molina)
(partly a loanword from Spanish, huino = vino = wine)

participate in the ceremony held at the beginning of the year in order to give thanks for what has been recieved and to ask for all manner of good things.

armed for battle (see Molina)

a fencer, one who fences (see Molina)

a fencer, one who fences (see Molina)

a fencer, one who fences, or someone new in war (see Molina)

a fencer, one who fences, or someone new in war (see Molina)


a skirmisher (see Molina), apparently a type of warrior

Orthographic Variants: 

to make an arrangement, agreement, or pact

intercourse is had (tentative translation)
Anderson and Dibble translation, Digital Florentine Codex, https://florentinecodex.getty.edu/book/10/folio/87r

Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 