to separate or detach one thing from another; to separate those who are quarreling, or, to bring a divorce (see Molina)
a divorce(see Molina) or separation
to arbitrate (see Molina)
recognition (appreciation) of received benefits (see Molina)
sentiment, courtesy, gentleness, prudence, virtue (See Molina)
the example that is taken from others (see Molina)
to warn or caution someone about what is best for him or her (see Molina)
knowledge of, or a confession about, what someone did or said (see Molina)
enemy, enemies with knowledge, a condition of knowing
a student (see Siméon)
a school where things are taught and learned (see Molina)
a lesson, a recitation, teachings Rémi Siméon, Diccionario de la lengua náhuatl o mexicana (Mexico: Siglo veintiuno, 1996), 320.
study, learning (see Karttunen)
all learn, or all are taught (see Molina)
the are of learning
a student who is learning at a school