something very salty (see Karttunen)
a person that tells and holds the truth (see Molina)
a true thing, truly (adverb); the truth, the true one (noun)
something especially frightening (see Molina)
to stir or beat something (as in cooking) (see Molina)
to get mixed together; to mix something (see Karttunen)
to have acid in the stomach (see Molina)
belt, sash, something that wraps around the waist (see attestations)
carry out, complete; verify
to prove true, to be verified, to be realized (see Karttunen)
to verify, to carry out (see Molina and Lockhart)
something that is provable and can be verified (see Molina)
water associated with testimony and truth; truth serum(?) (see Molina)
a preacher or teacher of truth (see Molina)
a true piece of writing (see Molina)
a preacher or a teacher of truth (see Molina)