Letter Q: Displaying 241 - 260 of 615
1. insipid or strange taste/smell. 2. strange feeling upon undergoing an unaccustomed experience.
the way that you are doing it.
1. insipid or strange taste/smell. 2. strange feeling upon undergoing an unaccustomed experience.
Orthographic Variants: 
quen oc ye, quēnocyeh

all the more, how much more? (see Karttunen); a comparator

how, after all...?
Orthographic Variants: 
quenami can, quenonami

a place of the dead, something like Mictlan, but perhaps where people might find a way to still live, as pondered by Nezahualcoyotl, who was seeking "can avac micohua," Where Death Does not Exist (see León-Portilla)

Orthographic Variants: 

all the more; how much more? (See Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 
s.o. or s.t.’s chin.
# no. Una parte de la boca de una persona y un animal silvestre; se encuentra debajo de su boca y lo usa para abrir la boca. “La barbilla de Anna está muy largo porque así lo tiene”.
Orthographic Variants: 
quentel qualli

somewhat good, or a little better (see Molina)


tolerably, so-so

James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 231.

Orthographic Variants: 

somewhat, somehow


to clothe, to wear

to dress s.o.
A. Una persona viste a otro. “Sonia viste a Lidia al reves”. B. Vestir a alguien.
to dress s.o.’s child.
# nic. Una persona lo viste a otro. “Cuando se quita la ropa mi hija en ese momento le pongo su blusa porque no me gusta que se enfrié su cuerpo”.
Orthographic Variants: 

how much does it cost? or, how much is it worth? (see Molina)

cloth, clothing (see Siméon)