system of apportioning Indian tribute labor for short terms among Spaniards, built on the coatequitl (or cohuatequitl) The Tlaxcalan Actas: A Compendium of the Records of the Cabildo of Tlaxcala (1545-1627), eds. James Lockhart, Frances Berdan, and Arthur J.O. Anderson (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1986), 154.
(central Mexico, seventeenth century) Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 2, 118–119.
1. for a door, a chair or a tree branch to creak. 2. for a rope that is bearing a weight to creak.
# 1. Un árbol se escucha fuerte cuando hace aire y se mueve. “El árbol se escucha y se mueve mucho cuando hace aire porque está bien grande y tiene muchas sus ramas”. 2. El lazo y el hilo se escucha cuando se pega donde lo han amarrado porque está pesado lo que tiene. “Cuando Carmela se mece en mi maca se escucha fuerte porque ella es muy gorda”.
responsory prayer; this was requested often in humble people's testaments in lieu of a mass, which was more expensive Miriam Melton-Villanueva, The Aztecs at Independence: Nahua Culture Makers in Central Mexico, 1799–1832 (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2016), 112.
rhetoric Fr. Bernardino de Sahagún, Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain; Book 6 -- Rhetoric and Moral Philosophy, No. 14, Part 7, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Charles E. Dibble (Santa Fe and Salt Lake City: School of American Research and the University of Utah, 1961), 1.
a Spanish family name; one [don?] Hernando de Ribas was a trilingual Nahua who collaborated with Alonso de Molina, the sixteenth-century Franciscan lexicographer, as well as the Franciscan nahuatlato fray Juan de Gaona
See Sell's comments in Bartolomé de Alva, A Guide to Confession Large and Small in the Mexican Language, 1634, eds. Barry D. Sell and John Frederick Schwaller, with Lu Ann Homza (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999), 20 and 28.