one who detains another so that he or she will not leave; or one who greets another person (see Molina)
to get someone used to doing something (see Molina)
the burier of someone (see Molina)
the act of burying another (see Molina)
chasm, or dungeon (see Molina)
a concealed trap (see Molina)
gravelly soil, rocky soil [Source: Barbara J. Williams, "Pictorial Representation of Soils in the Valley of Mexico: Evidence from the Codex Vergara," Geoscience and Man 21 (1980), 51–62; see p. 57. She cites Sahagún.]
to separate from others (see Molina)
the separation from others (see Molina)
a champion (see Molina)
remembrance, or something to remind someone of something (see Molina)
on people's land, in homeland territory; the place where one is a Native to the land (see Molina)