Letter T: Displaying 1601 - 1620 of 13472
to hem an article of clothing.
s.o.’s lips.
Orthographic Variants: 

to mention something, to let something fall in conversation (See Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to make war cries, such as those made by the Moors (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

to lick one's lips; to lick someone's lips (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

to become unraveled; or, the edge of a piece of clothing becomes tangled (see Molina)

the unraveled edge of fabric (see Molina)


a place name; a stop on the route of the Nonoalca in their migration

(Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, eds. Paul Kirchhoff, Lina Odena Güemes, y Luis Reyes García (México: CISINAH, INAH-SEP, 1976), 137, note 5.

to frown at s.o. with a twist of one’s mouth.
# 1. Persona dobla una cosa de metal a la orilla de otro. “le doble la cubeta a Maribel porque avente una piedra y le ayo.”
to bend or dent the edge of s.t. that belongs to s.o. else.
# 1. Persona dobla una cosa de metal a la orilla de otro. “le doble la cubeta a Maribel porque avente una piedra y le ayo.”
1. for the edge of s.t. to become bent or dented. 2. for a woman or child who is angry or has been scolded to frown with a twist of the mouth.
# 1. Una cosa se dobla la orilla y que aplastado. “se doblo mi machete porque era muy duro el palo que corte.” 2. persona dobla los labios cuando se enoja. “pablo nada mas doblo los labios cuando Rogelio empezó a decirle de cosas.”
to bend or dent the edge of s.t.
# Persona dobla una cosa la orilla del fierro. “doble mi cubeta porque aventé una piedra y le ayo.”
Orthographic Variants: 

to incite someone to speak (See Karttunen)
