in three places, or in three parts (see Molina)
three years (see Molina)
delay or stop in a certain place for three years (see Molina)
after three years, or on the third year, or in the span of three years (see Molina)
a type of tamale (see Karttunen), which surely contained beans and perhaps another significant ingredient besides maize
to give a meal of green beans and stew (see Molina)
green bean or lima bean (see Molina); e(tl) + xotl
a type of bean (see Karttunen)
a third time Thelma D. Sullivan, "Nahuatl Proverbs, Conundrums, and Metaphors, Collected by Sahagún," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 4 (1963), 126–127.
a type of plant (see Karttunen)
three (see Karttunen)
three nights (see Molina)
the name of a fiesta
Codex Magliabecchi, fol. 33v.; see
crust of mange (see Molina)
dysentery (see Karttunen)
a blood vessel in the body (see Molina)
a blood vessel; or, a vein