to lay something down horizontally, as a wall (transitive); to lie down flat (reflexive), to stretch oneself out; to settle; to establish (see Karttunen, Carochi/Lockhart, and Molina)
of some one, pertaining to someone, male or female (see Molina)
a personal name, attested as belonging to a man from Coatlan, part of Santiago Tlatelolco, in 1563
a warrior, or one who conducts a siege
through biting, using the teeth, taking bites (see Molina)
someone who listens to the people, who hears what's being said (see Molina)
one who listens, who obeys Gran Diccionario Náhuatl, citing Wimmer 2004,, translated here to English by Stephanie Wood
one who mocks others (see Molina)
a mockery, or the act of mocking others
Gran Diccionario Náhuatl, citing a manuscript from the late eighteenth century in the BnF and Marc Thouvenot;
to rent something (See Karttunen)