Letter M: Displaying 2061 - 2080 of 2878
Orthographic Variants: 

mountain lion skin mat
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 210.


female cat (see Karttunen)


one who vomits (see Molina)

a community in central Mexico; the name translates On the Mesquite Tree(s), or At the Mesquite Tree(s), or By the Mesquite Tree(s)


resin for ink (see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 

a person's name (attested as male)

Orthographic Variants: 

mesquite tree; its sap was used for ink (see Karttunen and Molina); also, a person's name (attested male)

a noblewoman from Tula, daughter of Aztauhyatzin; she married Axayacatzin, ruler of Tenochtitlan
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 1, 160–161.

Another Mizquixahualtzin was the fifth child of Tlacateotzin (ruler of Tlatelolco) and Xiuhtomiyauhtzin.
(central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Codex Chimalpahin: Society and Politics in Mexico Tenochtitlan, Tlatelolco, Culhuacan, and Other Nahuatl Altepetl in Central Mexico; The Nahuatl and Spanish Annals and Accounts Collected and Recorded by don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, eds. and transl. Arthur J. O. Anderson and Susan Schroeder (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), vol. 2, 112–113.


small wild cat (see Molina)

measurement consisting of the length between the extended thumb and forefinger.
Orthographic Variants: 
mimistin, mimiztin

mountain lion, cougar, or a wild cat; also, a name given to a child
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 254.

Orthographic Variants: 

a cat

# Un animal silvestre o un animal domestico, tiene cuatro patas y uñas grandes, una cola larga y delgada y hay de diferentes colores y su comida son los ratones. “Nosotros nos gusta tener un gato porque come todos los ratones que hay adentro”.

little cat or wild cat (see Molina)

a person's name (attested male)

layered (perhaps -- see Molina)

Orthographic Variants: 
mo prophetatlapiquiani

your (second person singular, possessive pronoun)
James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 1.