Letter M: Displaying 2321 - 2340 of 2878

to lay down; to put down; to calm down or become calm (see Lockhart in attestations); Molina explains momana as when a snake coils or water pools. He also translates tlayohuatimomana as "everything becomes dark," suggesting a kind of spreading out

a newlywed, male or female (see Molina)


it appears, it is thought, it happens that (see Karttunen)

Orthographic Variants: 

hidden with the hands (see Molina)


hidden with the hands (see Molina)

hidden with the hands (see Molina)

a personal name, attested male in Tenochtitlan in 1563, when it was held, for example, by don Martín Momauhti, the brother of the indigenous gobernador, don Luis de Santa María; both were said to be sons of Acamapichtli

concubinage (literally, "tying oneself" to someone)
momecatiliztli, literally, "tying oneself" to someone).

Louise M. Burkhart, Before Guadalupe: The Virgin Mary in Early Colonial Nahuatl Literature, Institute for Mesoamerican Studies Monograph 13 (Albany: University at Albany, 2001), 50.

Orthographic Variants: 
Orthographic Variants: 
momiccan aquiani