Letter N: Displaying 2241 - 2260 of 2364
1. there (next to the person being spoken to. 2. right here. 3. in this town, on this earth.
there (next to the person being spoken to.
there (next to the person being spoken to.
1. that (demonstrative, next to the person being spoken to. 2. that (demonstrative, mental referent). 3. there (next to the person being spoken to. Only used in composition with NOPĒYOH AND NOPĒCA.
1. there (specific place, but out of sight). 2. there (non-specific place, out of sight).
there (next to the person being spoken to.

a child; or, a boy like me (see Molina)

in my young age; or, when I was a child (see Molina)

hey! or, listen! (for calling someone)

my lord (said by someone who is addressing a person of high social standing)

my left hand

the crime for which I am dying


to spill something; or, to have diarrhea (see Molina, Karttunen, and Lockhart)

Orthographic Variants: 
noquiauacpa nitlatoa

to hide from others the secret in one's heart; or the intent that one has (metaphor)

my seed, my semen (see Molina; who gives this possessed in the first person singular, no-)

a male such as I am; or, my companion (male)

Orthographic Variants: 

an illness of the bowels or intestines; dysentery, diarrhea
Rémi Siméon, Diccionario de la lengua náhuatl o mexicana redactado según los documentos impresos y manuscritos más auténticos y precedido de una introducción (Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno, 1996, {1885}), 349.